Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Farmer that Should Have


There is a lesson story that has been shared many times.  It starts out with a farmer that needs help around his farm.  He finally hires a helper that says in his interview – “I can sleep through a storm”.  Now the farmer must have smiled with a smirk to himself with a thought of “how nice” and hired the farm helper.  

Time moves along and the farmer is satisfied with the routine work of the new farm helper. 

Then one night unexpectedly a strong windstorm blew through the farm.  The farmer wakes up in a panic.  He quickly goes to the farm helper, who is asleep, to have him help to secure the farm.  The farm helper does not wake up.  The farmer then madly runs to the barn, the chicken coup and all of the structures on the farm to secure them himself.

Yet when he goes to the barn he finds the animals securely safe inside the barn.  At every place the farmer would run he found the building securely “hunkered down”.

The farmer then realized what the farm helper had said when he applied for the job –

“I can sleep through a storm.”

Now it is easy to look at the traditional moral of the story – Be the Farm Helper and make sure your family, home, business and self are prepared for the storms of life.

I want to turn the story around and look at the farmer

Let the Good Times Roll

This farmer had a business where he could hire an employee.  He was busy managing the farm.  He trusted the employee to handle the day-to-day activities.  The farmer had fallen into the pattern of “All is Well” with the business.  The good times were rolling, and he was happy.

Suddenly a Storm Arrives

Now the farmer is tested.  He awakes in a panic.  He realizes that he had not been checking on important facets of his business.  He rushes to his employee to find the employee was on his day off. 


In a panic he rushes to each of the critical areas of his business – the barns.  He is sure he needs to get them prepared while in the middle of the storm.

Unbelievable Luck

What does he find?  Every part of the business [all of the barns] are safely secured thanks to his farm helper.

Moral of the Farmer’s Story – What If?

What if the trusted employee had not secured the barns?

What if at every part of the business the farmer found was in disarray?

Can the farmer say - “I can Sleep through a Storm”?

The Hidden Morale of the Story – Be Prepared Yourself Don't Depend on Others

As a business owner or the family member of the home, which is a really a business as well, do you know what really is prepared for a storm of life.  It is easy to trust others are doing their part but are you sure. 

Questions –

Do you depend on your employees to have the business prepared for a storm of life?

Do you depend on your wife/husband or children to have the home prepared for a storm of life?

When operating a business and/or operating a home it is important to know every facet is secure YOURSELF.  A team approach to preparedness is important.  The team needs to know also what other team members are doing and if they have securely done their job.  All need to know they are prepared for a storm of life.

Then you can say - “I can Sleep Through a Storm”