Off we went with the fishing jacket, Fireman boots [I called them Fireman Fishing Boots], umbrella [Again a fireman umbrella that I called a Fireman Fishing Umbrella], fishing vest, fishing pole [without the hook] and a fishing tackle box filled with rubber worms. We forgot a bucket - in case he caught a fish. Oh well no hook....
The pond had a dock which was perfect. [Next time I will take a chair to sit on.] Yet, while you are busy helping hold the pole just in case the fish bite and the fishing pole falls into the lake it is hard to be sitting LOL. Oh Ya I forgot no hook. We were teaching him though just in case.
Container gardening is fun, healthy and part of the Abundant Life. Being prepared for emergencies is fun, profitable and is part of the Abundant Life. The Abundant Life includes "Gone Fishing". It is those bonding moments that are priceless.
Grandpa and Grandson
Next Time We Will Have a Hook, Bucket and a Chair! Judy [Being Grandma Now]