Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cantaloupe Musk Mellon in Pots and the Sustainablity Garden

The garden has been busy producing lots and lots of tomatoes and strawberries. It has been interesting what worked this year and what was marginal in success. Last night after a birthday party at my home I was picking tomatoes for my daughter-in-law to take home. I noticed my cantaloupe (musk mellon) were ready. I picked them. This morning I cut the first one open. Now before I tell you the results I want to remind you I live in Western Washington. Mellons do not do very well here. We do not have a long hot season for them to grow.
[There are three in the pic. One on the rim of the pot for support, one behind it on the support wire for support and one in the upper left corner on the ground. It is still not ripe yet.]

Back to the mellon. It measures 4 inches long. The three (3) that grew are all small. I cut it open and it smell wonderful! Just like a good mellon should. I was really excited. I quickly told my husband. I am going to enjoy my 1/2 for breakfast. [Tastes Great!] I have one other that is ready and one more that is still ripening. They really have been fun to grow in a pot!

Happy Harvesting this Year!
