Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Yin Yu Tang a Home for 7 Generations - "If You Love the House, You Also Love the Crow on the Roof"

My childhood home I lived in for 19 years.  Then, I have moved so many times I lost count.  I have lived in my present home, which I bought newly built, for 20 years this October.  At the present my son and grandson live with me.  I have a desire to establish for future generations roots, stability and build generational wealth.  Looking at how this family did it might be an interesting read.  There is a Chinese saying - 

"If You Love the House, You Also Love the Crow on the Roof"

In the late Qing dynasty (1644-1911) a Chinese merchant named Huang built a house for his family in a small, remote village in the southeastern region of Huizhou in China's Anhui Province. He named the house Yin Yu Tang. For seven generations, members of the Huang family ate, slept, laughed, cried, married, and gave birth in the house. By the mid-1990s, the surviving Huang family members moved away leaving the house empty and abandoned. In 1997 the house was moved to the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts, and opened as a permanent exhibit.Yin Yu Tang provides a fascinating, in-depth look at Chinese domestic culture, architecture, craftsmanship, history, and the impact of these influences on individual lives. Nancy Berliner, one of the country's foremost experts on Chinese furniture and arts, takes the reader on a tour of this unique homestead providing detail on Yin Yu Tang's architecture, construction methods, decoration, furniture, and family heirlooms. She weaves a story of Chinese domestic life, culture, and the remarkable restoration and reconstruction at the Peabody Essex Museum in America.

This one covers more on the Yin Yu Tang house, 
which means
Shade/Shelter, Abundance and Hall. 

 The goal was to have a place 
where a family for generations could enjoy a 

Safe Haven enjoy Abundance and a place to Celebrate.