Sunday, April 21, 2013

Now I Know I Have to Plant Potatoes this Year! Why?

I love potatoes.  I have them regularly if not daily.  When on a rush through an airport I always run for the french fries.  They give me energy for the trip.  Today I made potatoes, spinach and kale to go with my steak.  I could not help but think of the many people that lived with that combination of food for dinner.  Then as my Grandson says "my mind is thinking".  I remembered there was a connection between potatoes and population growth. 

Here is an article from the Smithsonian Magazine.  How the Potato Changed the World .

After reading all of the health benefits I am glad I enjoy potatoes.  When I read how they saved people from famines I decided I will definitely put some into a pot this year.  I did it several years ago and had good results. 

Now a shopping I go for some tubers!  Judy