Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Second Floor Emergency Escape Ladder

This last week or two there seems to be a strong pattern. Items and chores that have been on a "list" for several years are getting done. Yea! It has been a good feeling. Here is an example.

My husband and I were in WalMart. I was in the fabric department. He went to check out the parts section for bathrooms. We needed another toilet flushing device. He noticed in the process that they had got in emergency escape ladders for 2 story houses. He caught up with me in the fabric department showing off his new find. We got one for each of our sons' homes as well. The ladders were under $40 each.

Important items like a ladder have been on the list for quite awhile. When planning for emergencies fire needs to be considered. Here is a good government site on fire preparation including home fires. http://www.usfa.dhs.gov/citizens/home_fire_prev/

Now I need to review all of our fire safety items. Happy fire preparation! Judy